
I am called Mr. Limes, and I am the librarian of this land.
Unfortunately, We have no books, but only links to other websites. Please take a look around regardless!

NEOCITIES PAGES!, a cool personal blog that's very easy on the eyes!; the grand king of all tasty melons. Very fun stuff with very fun music., fun and funny corner of the internet!, an art gallery with the resolution of, you guessed it: 10kb.


A spotify playlist of all of my favorite songs. It updates whenever I find something else to obsess over.
Do you ever think to yourself, "Man, I really can't find anything new to listen to"? Not Anymore, with this!
makemepulse, a neat webpage of soothing rhythyms.


Harpy Gee! A fun fantasy by Brianne Drouhard!
He Is A Good Boy. Existentialist Comedy about an acorn trying his best, by KC Green. (sometimes 18+.)
Night Physics, a beautiful slice of life in a no-name mountain town, by Austin Holcomb.
Floraverse, a cool and mysterious series of events in a magical animal land, by GlitchedPuppet.
TerrorTerrorTerror, a (newly started!) comic about the 80's, synthwave, and murder, by Tim Liljefors.


This website MAKES BAD PUNS FOR YOU. Honestly, what else could you possibly need?!
One Man's Quest For One Million Girraffes.

Let's head on back!